Events & Gamemodes
PATCH 10/12/2020: I CAN'T SEE THEM??! (1)
- Added the Stiolic and the Stiolic MK.II
- Both bosses include a Switcheroo (Ba) that shoots invisible Bullets.
PATCH 10/12/2020: (1)
- Added the Switcheroo.
- There is no Current Key, so you will have to Press Y or the upgrade.
PATCH 10/08/2020: (1)
- Replaced 4TDM Maze with 2TDM Maze.
- Added a Center Dominator for extra fun.
PATCH 10/07/2020: (1): portal bruh?
- Working on code for Portals.
PATCH 10/07/2020: (1)
- The TESTBED Event is now over.
- Beta Token was leaked again, changed the tokens for servers.
- Planning to add Portal Assault
PATCH 10/05/2020: (1)
- The 2nd TESTBED Event has been Released!
- Use the Token 'beta' to get TESTBED.
- Enter the Developer Server to join this Event.
- Added !host command for KA2 Controller, which allows Devs to host Events.
PATCH 10/03/2020: (1)
- Added God Mode for Beta Testers and Developers.
- Pressing "O" will trigger the God Mode on and off.
- Thanks to ????? for reporting the issue!
PATCH 09/30/2020: (1)
- Added the Titan upgrades from Misc. Page 4.
- Added the MK-2 which upgrades from Misc. Page 4.
- Added AWP-1 upgrades from Misc. Page 4.
PATCH 09/30/2020: (1)
- Added 4TDM Mothership.
- Instead of the last remaining Mothership, it is the last 3 Motherships with the game.
- Motherships all have nerfed health.
PATCH 09/30/2020: (1)
- Added 4TDM Mothership.
- Instead of the last remaining Mothership, it is the last 3 Motherships with the game.
- Motherships all have nerfed health.
PATCH 09/30/2020: (1)
- Added 4TDM Mothership.
- Instead of the last remaining Mothership, it is the last 3 Motherships with the game.
- Motherships all have nerfed health.
PATCH 09/28/2020: (1)
- Added a closing time for 4TDM.
- For testing purposes, the server will close every 10 minutes.
PATCH 09/24/2020: (3)
- Removed 2TDM because of Spawning Errors.
PATCH 09/24/2020: (2) MORE SERVERS
- Added 2TDM
- Added FFA (Free For All)
- 2TDM, FFA, and 4TDM Have the same Tanks. (Beta Tester Tokens Remain the Same on all Servers.)
PATCH 09/24/2020: The Big Entity Update
- Added the Constructionist. Upgrades from Miscellaneous Page 4.
- Added the Collider. Upgrades from Miscellaneous Page 4.
- Nerfed the Comet's Speed and added 2 more barrels on the back.
- Added the Elite Sniper
- Increased Boss Spawning Rate.
- Fixed the 'nearestDifferentMaster' on Minibosses.
- Made Base Protectors 'hard' and nerfed Swarm Damage.
PATCH 09/23/2020
- Added the Sword Thrower. (Currently is a Beta Tank)
PATCH 09/22/2020: (3)
- Beta Testers may not test or use TESTBED Tanks until this issue is solved. Please consult questions on my Discord!
- Due to a Beta Tester Token Leak, all Tokens including the Developer Token are wiped out.
PATCH 09/22/2020: (2)
- Added the Comet. Upgrades from Miscellaneous Page 4. (Beta Tester Tank Only)
- Added the Gunship. Upgrades from Miscellaneous Page 3. (Beta Tester Tank Only)
- Fixed Tokens not saving when restarting after the game.
- Upcoming there will be another TESTBED Event. This will not be a seperate Gamemode but hosted in the Developer Server.
PATCH 09/21/2020: (2): Beta Work
- Working a feature for Beta Testers to be able to control Base Protectors and Dominators (which is a Developer Feature only!)
- Working on a Beta Tester Feature. Beta Testers can control Contested Dominators and Base Protectors.
- Added Colored Notifications.
- Big Thanks to Trapatin for helping me with this feature! (Not on Discord)
PATCH 09/18/2020
- Planning to add Animation Tanks.
- Reworked some TESTBED Branches and added new tanks.
- Balanced the Summoner MK. II.
PATCH 09/17/2020
- Reworked 2 Team Protector.
- BLUE Team has to defend their teams dominator, but instead from RED team there will be Bosses coming in waves.
- You must defeat all the bosses for 10 waves.
- Added Ending Arena Closer Function.
- Players will not be able to access the space where bosses Spawn.
PATCH 09/16/2020
- Please be aware that this Gamemode is still in progress, all bugs and problems should be reported on Discord!
- Added 2 Team Protector.
- BLUE Team has to defend their teams dominator.
- For RED Team to win, they have to destroy Blue's Dominator.
- RED players will spawn on the Top and Bottom and BLUE players will spawn next to the maze walls.
PATCH 09/11/2020: (1): Base Controller
- Added a Big Feature where you can Control a Base Protector or a Dominator.
- Pressing H will automatically send you to a Base Protector.
- Users can only control their Base Protector or Dominator.
PATCH 09/10/2020
- Should I host another TESTBED Event? A much bigger one though? Vote on Discord!
- Finishing the Base work for TEAM POLICE Access System. TEAM POLICE is a Discord-claimed job that kills abusers.
PATCH 09/07/2020
- Added a Developer Server to the Server Selector. For Developer Testing only
PATCH 09/06/2020
- Added Tripathan to the Page IV (Developer Branch)
PATCH 09/04/2020
- Added Page IV for Beta Tester Tanks.
PATCH 09/02/2020
- Fixed Developer Branches in 4TDM
- Fixed 4TDM Tank definitions.
- Updated Token System.
PATCH 09/01/2020: Site Changes
- Added Dominators and Bosses to Developer Branch.
- Deployed KA2 Arras to a Netlify Domain.
PATCH 08/24/2020: The Bots are taking over, lol
- There is a weird Bug in Defender Mode, people can publicly access TESBED. Founded by Dev Moslem.
PATCH 08/24/2020: TESTBED Event Release!
- If you are experiencing Problems entering the TESTBED Event, please report the Issues on Discord.
- The TESTBED Event has been Released!
PATCH 08/24/2020 (3)
- Planning to add TESTED Branches A and B. (4TDM and 4TDM Maze)
PATCH 08/24/2020: issues (2)
- There are Currently founded bugs in the Developer Server, Beta Testers will not be able to access the server at this Time.
- There was an Error where users and bots may have spawned with a Blue Name, which is for Beta Testers and Developers only. This Error was founded by ?????.
PATCH 08/24/2020: The Day before the Release!
- Added back 4TDM Maze until TESTBED Event Release.
- Double Checking for Mismatch turret number with mockup Errors.
- Finished and polished the Server Map, and Upgrades.
PATCH 08/23/2020 (2)
- Added TESTED Branches A and B. (TESTBED Event)
PATCH 08/22/2020 (2)
- Fixed an error with the Token System where entering a Token will crash the game.
PATCH 08/22/2020 (1)
- Working on a new TESTBED Event.
- This Features all the tanks of KA2 Arras.
- Join My Discord Server to get a Colored Name or a TESTBED Token Code. (Optional)
PATCH 08/15/2020
- Working on Lag issues on Defender Mode.
- Added Healers to each Base Protector
- Added Base Protector II with Protector Gun Turrets instead of Protector Swarm Turrets
- Remade 4TDM with more Tanks and less lag.
PATCH 08/08/2020
- Made the Map Really Big.
- Replaced Protector with 4TDM Maze.
PATCH 08/08/2020
- Changed the Client Speed Color and the Server Code.
- Added a Border Line on the Start Menu of the Game.
PATCH 08/07/2020
- Made the Background Change Colors!
PATCH 08/06/2020
- Just to Notify, If you would like to be notified for new Server Updates, join my Discord using the tab above!
PATCH 08/05/2020
- Developer Usuage is now Closed! The Developer can only access this Feature.
- Added a New URL, you can just go to ka2yt.glitch.me to get the game.
PATCH 08/02/2020
- Added Developer Usuage for Testing Only! You can use the TESTBED Tanks until 08/02/2020!
- Nerfed down the Main Bases by a little.
- Nerfed down the Rail Defender.
- Fixed a Feature with the Overseer Guards. The Overseer Guards will Now go directly to the Target.
- Nerfed Up the Main Bases in Defender Mode.
PATCH 07/31/2020
- Added a New URL, you can just go to kingarras2.glitch.me to get the game.
- Added the Compressor. This Tank looks like a fighter replacing the front Cannon with a Railgun Unlimate Cannon.
- Added the Arena Closer. This Tank will only be available to Beta-Testers and Developers.
PATCH 07/30/2020
- Fixed an Animation Error with the Options Menu.
- Changed the Messgae on the Token Slot.
- Did some Transfering!
- 4TDM has been fixed!
PATCH 07/29/2020
- 4TDM is Currently Down, the Server is right now being fixed.
PATCH 07/25/2020
- Defender Mode Map has been Restarted!
- Added a new Developer Server.
PATCH 07/25/2020
- Added Protector, like 4TDM But there is a Dominator is the Center of the map.
- Got rid of Useless Servers.
PATCH 07/18/2020: Arena Closers
- Replaced Twin Closers to Streamliner Closers with more power so the Game can close quicker.
PATCH 07/18/2020
- Fixed a Error where the Loading Screen won't show.
- Fixed the Disconnection Error where it freezes instead of showing the message.
- The Map has been Updated!
- Removed Gray Color of Attackers.
PATCH 07/16/2020 (2)
- You may face difficulties while playing in the new Experimental Server. Wait 5 Hours before re-entering the game!
- Removed Boss Tour (Public Server) and added an Experimental Server.
- Removed D-Day 2.0 and added a Recording Server. Join this Server if you would like to be part of a video or livestream!
- The Quintuplet is now not a Beta Tank Anymore.
PATCH 07/16/2020 (1)
- This update may have Lag, please be considerate that this Update will not appear after a couple of restarts.
- Changed the Color of the Attackers to light Gray.
- Made the Attackers Large.
PATCH 07/15/2020 (1)
- US West has Defender Mode and
- Closed Bots on Defender mode for a temporary period of time.
PATCH 07/14/2020 (1): Server Client Update
- Players can Join the Game with this Special Gamemode and join the Video! You must join Discord for Livestream Events and Videos that involve other people.
- Planning to add a Recording Session Server.
- Made a Custom URL for Youtube Channel! Youtu.be/kingarras2. Thanks for your help!
- Channel has reached 100 Subscribers, thanks for everyones help. Let's road to 150 Subscribers! XD
PATCH 07/14/2020 (3): Defender Mode Rework
- Please be aware that the following server may Restart Several Times. This might take time depending on the update.
- Added Bots that Spawn on Blue Team , now Bots can Spawn and Help Defend the Base! :)
- Reworked some of the Bases, including the Main Bases.
PATCH 07/14/2020 (2): Bases
- 4TDM has reopened Opened!
- Failed, the Base Protector Experiment is now over.
- Did a quick Experiment and added Protector Turrets instead of Swarm Turrets to the Base Protector.
- Added Bases to the the Map.
- Reworked 4TDM.
PATCH 07/14/2020 (1): Defender Mode Gamemode Update
- Reworked the Map Design.
- Fixed the Pushed Bases Error. Made the Attacker Bosses Smaller.
PATCH 07/13/2020 (2): Pushed Main Bases
- Planning to make the Attackers smaller to avoid heavy weight pushing on the main Bases
- Planning to fix an error where the attackers push the Main Bases out of their position.
PATCH 07/13/2020 (1): Too many Tanks!
- Going to unlock the Bent Boomer to the Public.
- Added the Steampunk.
- Added the Dual Builder.
- Added the Pellter.
- Added the Auto-Twin (Unfinished Class).
- Added the Auto-Basic (Unfinished Class).
- Added the Twiniliner.
- Added the Twinigun.
- Added the Double Machine.
- Added the Twin Machine.
- Made the Auto-cruiser Public.
- Added the Auto-Builder.
- You can now Upgrade to the Bent Hybrid by upgrading from the Twinbrid.
PATCH 07/13/2020 (1): Gamemode Update
- Made the Map Really Large.
- Replaced 4TDM with Open 4TDM.
- There will be one giant nest square covering the middle.
- Players will not Spawn at Bases, instead they are to spawn in a random point on the map.
- Working on Slow Server and Lag issues.
PATCH 07/12/2020 (3)
- Added a feature where if you are a special User, your name will be printed in a different color!
- Added the Twinbrid.
- Added the Basebrid.
- Added buttons under the Discord Widget. You can also access the links in the options menu.
- Customized the Start Menu Background. Added a Gradient Background.
PATCH 07/12/2020 (2)
- Made the Rail Defender a little Smaller.
- Made the Main Bases a little Smaller.
PATCH 07/12/2020 (1)
- Planning to remove the Boss Tour (Public Server and Move it to Beta.)
- Added Roads Custom Theme Maker v2. Compatible with this version of Arras.
- Added Proxy Arras Server.
- Added Custom Shape Builder Link.
- Added Youtube Link.
- Added Discord Link.
- Added Game Links in the View Options Menu.
- Re-added Twin Closers to the game!
- Re-organized the map in Defender Mode, there wil be only 2 Main Bases to reduce Glitching.
PATCH 07/11/2020 (2)
- Switched Discord Server widget.
- Turned the Railguns on the Rail Defender to 0°.
- Switched where attackers will spawn.
- Added Original Arena Closers in the game!
- Removed 6 of the Main Bases and Added them to the Top of the Map.
PATCH 07/11/2020 (1)
- Changed some Settings for the Main Base Protector Overseers.
- Made the Main Bases a little Smaller in Defender Mode.
PATCH 07/9/2020
- If you would like to contribute in to the project, would be appreciated! You will also get free access to new upcoming updates and servers.
- Added an Experimental Server called D-Day 2.0, this Server is for test purposes only for upcomming servers.
PATCH 07/07/2020 (2)
- Added a Developer Token Slot, this input is only for Devs who want to access the Developer Server.
- Added back the Developer Server.
PATCH 07/06/2020 (1)
- Removed the Developer Server for fixes. Planning on adding another Server.
PATCH 07/05/2020 (2)
- If you see someone that says KA2 in Blue or Protector in green, just remember that these people are Developers!
- Added a feature where if you make your name Guest your name will turn grey to others as a symbol that your new!
- The 4th of July TESTBED Event has Ended.
PATCH 07/04/2020 (1)
- Hope Everyone Enjoys this New Update! This will Close tomorrow at 12:00 AM.
- Happy 4th of July! Added a 1 day TESTBED event!
PATCH 07/05/2020 (2)
- Added an Experimental mode for the New Server that will probably replace 2TDM.
PATCH 06/29/2020 (1)
- Removed FFA (Free for All) and added a Developer Server. (Not Available to the Public, no BT Token.)
PATCH 06/28/2020 (1)
- Got a new domain name and renamed the game title.
PATCH 06/27/2020 (1)
- Added the Packager upgraded from the Brick Railer. This has a Railgun with the same shooting rate as the Rail Defender and has a Boomerang Trap Launcher that will shoot where the Front Railgun is shooting.
- Added the Construction Worker upgraded from the Brick Railer. This has a Railgun with the same shooting rate as the Rail Defender and has a Constructor Trap Launcher that will shoot where the Front Railgun is shooting.
- Added a new tank called the Brick Railer upgraded from the Railgun. It has a Railgun with the same shooting rate as the Rail Defender and has a Builder cannon that will shoot where the Front Railgun is shooting.
- Removed Vulcan because it was Broken, currently trying to fix the Vulcan.
- Game kept disconnecting during lags, removed 12 and subtracted 1.
- Protect the Base): Renamed Protect the Base to "Defender Mode." -Renamed the Original Railgun to the Railgun Unlimate, because it constantly shoots!
PATCH 06/26/2020 (1)
- Renamed the Rail Defender Label from "Base" to "Rail Defender"
- (UPDATE 2 | Protect the Base): Renamed Protect the Base to "Defender -(UPDATE 1 | Protect the Base): Renamed the Original Railgun to the Railgun Unlimate, because it constantly shoots!
PATCH 06/25/2020 (1)
- Planning to temporarily Close down Protect the Base for major Updates. This will occur during 6/26/2020 to 6/29/2020.
- Renamed the Rail Defender Label from "Base" to il Defender"
- Also added a message on when the Attackers Spawn. This Message will show the Attacker Type and How many will Spawn Each Wave.
- Added a Arena Closing Message for Protect the Base when the Game Session has Ended.
- Changed the Loading Screen Message.
PATCH 06/24/2020 (1)
- Recolored the Client Speed and the Server Speed checker. When color Green means that the following mechanic is running smoothly and normally.
- Nerfed up the Arena Closer Reload and Speed.
- There will be 4 Main Bases now on the Protect the Base Server. The Rail Defender will now sit in the middle of the map.
PATCH 06/15/2020 (1)
- Added the Tracker upgraded from the Railer. This has a Railgun with the same shooting rate as the Rail Defender and has a Booster on the back that will make the tank go 2x the normal speed of the Railer.
- Added the Railer. This has a Railgun with the same shooting rate as the Rail Defender and has a Tri-Angle on the back that will make the tank go faster.
- Locked TESTBED Usuage. -Fixing up Protect the Base Server Bugs and Glitches.
PATCH 06/13/2020 (1)
- Replaced the Original Arena Closers with Twin Closers to be extra.
- Fixed Arena Closer Name Function.
- FFA (Free For All) is now Back Up!
- Reseted all Games and Closed FFA for fixes.
PATCH 06/11/2020 (2)
- Changed the Main Menu Buttons and Colors to Blue, changed the background image, and uploaded a new Favicon + Front Icon.
PATCH 06/11/2020 (1)
- Starting the Star Wars Event, check the Changelog everyday or so for more Details about this new Event Comming Up!
- Added FFA (Free For All).
PATCH 06/10/2020 (3)
- Edited the Home Screen, changed different Buttons and Colors.
PATCH 06/10/2020 (2)
- Tweaked Rija and the Launcher-88 and fixed major lag issues.
- Removed 4 Team Domination with the Public Boss Tour Server.
- Changed the Shape of the Main Bases and the Rail Defender on the Protect the Base Server.
- Tweaked the Domination Server Base Design
PATCH 06/9-10/2020 (1)
- Just to Notify, Tanks will vary on the Gamemode. For Now TESTBED will be Unlocked on Most Servers.
- 4 Team Domination and 4DTM were added to the Game.
- Made Protect the Base Public and added a 2TDM Server.
PATCH 06/8/2020 (1)
- Just to Notify, Tanks will vary on the Gamemode. For Now TESTBED will be Unlocked on Most Servers.
- 4 Team Domination and 4DTM were added to the Game.
- The Rail Bases job is to help destroy all the attackers around in its Field of Vision.
- Added another Base. This entity shoots out Railgun Bullets that go constantly.
PATCH 06/7/2020 (1): Protect the Base Gamemode Update
- Added a notification to show what wave your on.
- Tweaked the objective of the Game, you must Protect the Main Bases for as long as possible.
- Changed the Color of the Attackers to Red.
- Lined the BLUE Bases on the Bottom of the Map.
PATCH 06/3/2020 (1): Gamemode Update
- There will be no ending to the game.
- For Attackers to win, they must destroy Blues Main Bases.
- For Blue Defenders to win, they must protect the Main Bases which they spawn at.
- Working on a New Gamemode called Protect the Base. The server will not be released for now.
PATCH 06/3/2020 (2): How to Play
- Good Luck playing the Game!
- On the Bottom of the Options menu you can find links to resources you can use like Discord, Youtube, Proxy Arras.io, Custom Shape Builder for Private Server, and a Custom Theme Maker.
- You can manage Classic Traps (Diep.io Style), Shield Bar Seperation, Auto-Level Up Feature, Low Graphics, and much more.
- Press the Plus button in the options menu to see advanced key controls. You can also edit the custom keybinds by clicking on them.
- Use the View options menu to change your preferences of the game like Theme, Borders, or a Custom Theme code.
- Use WASD to Move or Up, Down, Right, or Up. "E" for auto-fire and "C" for autospin.
PATCH 06/3/2020 (1)
- Changed the buttons and colors to Red. Left the Background the same normal color.
- This is the official Arras Game Client of King Arras 2! Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel, Thanks for Playing! :D